New User (FAN) Guide
Step 1. Create a FREE account.
- Click here to register now in less than a minute for FREE!

Step 2. Get Verified
Once you have registered for an account you will receive an email from us to verify your email address and verify that you are of legal age and are looking to engage in adult conversations by voice chat or text with our models.
You must reply to this email confirming the information before your account will be activated.

Step 3. Add Tokens to your account.
Once your account is activated you can log in and acquire tokens. Token purchases are immediate and non-refundable.
With tokens, you can select an available model and engage in a voice chat or text chat on any topic you both agree to.
Girls2Talk2 uses to securely process payments. These transactions will show up on your payment card statement as requires you to set up a payment profile that securely saves your information so future token purchases can be made quickly. To set up your payment profile go to your account info and you will see a drop-down menu with an option for "Payment Settings" Click on "Payment settings" then click on "Set up payment profile" This will open up an page where you provide your payment information.
Once your payment profile has been set up you can click on the "Token" indicator at the top of the screen and it will open up a token selection menu where you make your selection and then click purchase. Once your payment has been purchased your new tokens will show up in your token account and be used immediately.

Step 4. Choose a Model.
- Choose the available Model you prefer and click on the text or voice chat button and begin your conversation.

Have fun!
Enjoy your conversation! If you have any questions about how to call or about any other matter, please read our Frequently Asked Questions page first. Otherwise, feel free to contact us at